Subscribe to our newsletter


Every so often Siteweb65 will publish a new article on this site, it could be news about one of our services, an upcoming event, a comment on something that has been or is in the news, or simply some some advice on an issue lots of people are asking us about.

Our email bulletin service can send you a small email each time we add an update. We won't bombard you with emails, probably an average of 1 per month. Your email address will never be shared and are encrypted on our server.

If you would like to sign up for these updates just enter your email address in the box up on the top right of this page, you can enter as many email addresses as you wish (should you want to recieve the same bulletin on different accounts), but each address will only be registered once, so entering the same address twice wont send two emails.

Once you've entered the address a confirmation email will be sent to you, once you confirm that you wish to recieve the emails by clicking on the confirmation link youre done.

Each email you recieve from Siteweb65 will have an unsubscribe link at the bottom, so you can easily remove yourself at any time should you wish.

If you have a friend that you think would benefit from the service, feel free to enter their address, they will recieve only the confirmation email, and should they not want to signup they can cancel out at that point.

Contact Us

28 Rte de Lahitte
65700, Sombrun.

+33 (0)
+33 (0)

